How to setup BMW System DIS and SSS ?
DIS Setup
1£® Start The Computer
Sco Unix Operating System will be launched and DIS software will be run.
2£® Connecting
2.1 DIS front page, click£¢Administration£¢(bottom right)¡úclick£¢Connection setup£¢;
2.2 Get GT1 or OPS connected correctly;
2.3 Make sure that machines are well connected. Start up. After a few seconds an IP (c00126 or OPS
will be shown in the frame list under ¡°Free diagnostic heads¡±.£¨Meanwhile GT1¡¯s yellow light will be flashing. If it¡¯s OPS, the green light will be flashing.£© Sellect the IP and click£¢Connecting£¢. Now if everything is well connected, the network signal indicator on the top right will be showing full with two brick-shape icons (If machines are poor connected, it will be showing only one brick-shape icon. If nothing is connected, it will be showing empty.). The icon of the connected multiplexer will also be showing;
2.4 If want to switch over between the GT1 and the OPS, please do step 2.1 and 2.2 and then click £¢Quit connecting£¢ in connection page to quit. Then Finish step 2.3.
3£® Diagnose
Click £¢Diagnosis£¢on the DIS front page. Get access to ¡°Series¡± page and ¡°Model series¡± page and then select the car you want to test.
4£® Self Test
Get access to DIS front page and click£¢Administration£¢(bottom right)¡ú£¢Self-test£¢. Select £¢Diagnostic head£¢or£¢£Ï£Ð£Ð£Ó£¢ and then click £¢OK£¢. If fault code comes out, please contact us.
5£® Shut Down
Ctrl+Alt+F1 and then input£¢SHUT£¢then press£¢Enter£¢. System will be turned off.
SSS Setup
1. Start The Computer
Start the computer. After ¡°IBM¡± logo disappeared press ¡°Space¡± when the cursor is flashing.
Wait for 5 to 10 seconds then Input ¡°BOOTOS 3¡± behind ¡°BOOT¡± and press ¡°Enter¡±.
Windows XP will be launched and SSS will be run. (If it¡¯s the first time to run SSS software, the system may be rebooted automatically.)
2. Language Setting
Get access to SSS front page. Click£¢Administration£¢¡ú£¢User interface£¢¡ú£¢Language£¢ Select a language and click£¢Continue.
3. Connecting and Programming
Make sure that the machines are well connected with a target car. Click£¢New session£¢on the front page of SSS system. Select an equipment showing in the list (GT1 C00126 or OPS). Click £¢Continue£¢(You will be needed to input a connecting name but this step is not necessary. It can be ignored.)¡ú£¢Continue£¢. Select the car makes, the car models and then go ahead.
4. Shut Down
Get access to SSS front page. Click£¢Administration£¢¡ú£¢Settings£¢and then click£¢SSS£¢¡ú£¢Operating status£¢¡ú£¢Switch off£¢. System will be shut down.